Preschool Applications
Clearview Early Learning Center is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
Students must be age 3 or 4 by September 30, 2024 to be considered for admission.
Applications are available for pick-up in the CELC office (800 Ainsley Street) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. You can also download the application here:
Required Documents
The following documents must be submitted with your child's preschool application. Applications will not be reviewed until all supporting documentation is on file.
Child's state-issued birth certificate from Department of Vital Records. Copies are not accepted- parent must present the original birth certificate. The school will make a copy and return the original.
VA School Entrance Health Form completed after August 14, 2023. The form is included in the application packet.
Up-to-Date Immunization Record. A schedule of walk-in summer vaccine clinics for the 2024-2025 school year can be found here.
Proof of Income must be submitted for each parent, guardian, or legal custodian in the household who is working or receives income from other sources. Please choose one from the following list:
2023 income tax returns or W-2s (preferred)
Pay stubs for the past four weeks
SNAP, TANF, SSI- letter from issuing agency indicating how much assistance is received monthly
Proof of Residency. You must provide two different documents as proof of residency. A list of acceptable documents is included in the application packet.
For more information, contact the Clearview office at (276) 403-5800.